When in Germany, Do as Germans Do - Speak German!

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Girl in Germany

There are numerous layers of importance when it comes to speaking the German language when travelling to Germany, but none of them is as fulfilling as the feeling of being bilingual or multilingual in a world that is constantly trying to build bridges. Being able to communicate your thoughts and ideas flawlessly is actually priceless, but being proficient in the German language, will help you dwell deeper into the culture and customs of German-speaking countries.

Germany is the country where thousands of international students have jump-started their careers, gained skills, and learned the German language. While many of these students have started their journey to Germany with a suitcase packed with hopes, dreams, and of course their student health insurance policy, which is a crucial part of travelling to Germany, many of them returned to their home countries with university qualifications, newly-found friendships, and well, proficient German language skills.

Albeit Germany offers numerous English-taught courses, there are particular programmes which are not offered in English. This is one of the main reasons why some students spend some time learning the German language before starting their studies. As a tourist, you do not have to know the language, but there is one crucial reason why it would be so much better to visit Germany while you have some language skills: you will add so much more value to your trip.

Learning German is easier with a great app. German Translator Dictionary + is one of the highest rated. You can download it for free from the App Store or Google Play and start learning German today! 📲

Here’s why it is important to speak the German language when travelling to Germany to study, travel, or work:

Efficient Communication

When travelling to another country for purposes such as work, travel, or study, one of the main issues is the lack of efficient communication. It is true that language barriers are quite common around the world, this is why investing time and energy to learn the German language when abroad in Germany will definitely be worth it. You will get to communicate with the locals, ask for directions easily, find items quicker at the supermarket, and well, express any likes or dislikes without the faintest problem or misunderstanding.

Deeper Cultural Understanding

Although it is not impossible to understand the culture of a country without speaking their language, language skills surely help to do so more effectively. As an international in Germany, who has the necessary knowledge of the German language, you will be exposed to much more information on the cultures, customs, and traditions of the country. You will understand everything first-hand, get more knowledge on how people in Germany live and interact, without the need for an intermediary.

Wider Professional Opportunities

It is widely known that German language skills are a great plus when it comes to employment opportunities as an international in Germany. Many employers largely value applicants who demonstrate they can speak the language while also having the necessary qualifications for the job. But aside from what employers want, German language also widens professional opportunities by providing access to numerous resources in German only. This way, you get to broaden your knowledge and skills and achieve your career aspirations.

Bridge Building

Building bridges is a concept recognized, to a great extent, in Germany and beyond it. The internet has made it possible for people from all over the world to connect, create relationships, friendships, and simply build connecting bridges among different countries. If you have the proper German language skills, you will be able to build these bridges not only with Germany but also many other German-speaking countries. Which is quite fulfilling, if you plan to travel abroad often and make friends across the world.


It has never been easier than in the age of electronic gadgets and the internet to learn a new skill, make a new friend, and practice a new language. There are people who have learned an entire language online, be it through online language courses, practical and efficient apps, or by simply practising it in the numerous social media platforms. Nowadays, the saying “if there is a will, there is a way” stands more than true. All anyone has to do is commit to something, work hard, and ultimately get the results they want.

Apps from Vidalingua, for instance, are an astonishing example of how individuals can make use of their smartphones and electronic gadgets to learn a new language and practice it to perfection. Not only are they free, but they are also available in offline mode, which is a great way to make use of (wireless) free time while commuting, relaxing, or looking to perfect your language skills. Learn German + by Vidalingua will definitely give you the confidence you need in real-life interactions.

So, when in Germany, do as Germans do, learn to speak their language and benefit from the many advantages that come with it. Of course, if you do not speak German, it does not mean you will not be able to enjoy all the pretty little cobblestone streets in Germany or the thousands of castles it has to offer, but you will be able to say you can speak the language of Einstein. Which can be, after all, quite a boost to your genius aspirations. But ultimately, picturesque Germany will still be there for you to enjoy, even without your German language skills.

Besides the social and professional advantages of learning to speak German, learning a new language, especially one as complex yet as fulfilling as German, will help you keep your brain sharp, active, and creative. You will be able to create sentences, communicate, read literature, and even write articles and essays entirely in German. Although English has become a “world language”, German will give you a fresh perspective and practical help, especially if you are abroad in Germany.

So, do you speak German? Or as Germans would say, Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

Looking for more information on traveling and learning languages? Here are some articles you might find interesting.
- Top Travel Blogs for Germany
- Best Language Schools to Learn German in Berlin
- Top Online Tutors for Learning German

Have you written an article that we should link to? Email outreach@vidalingua.com to let us know.

If you're looking for an app offering lessons with interactive exercises to practice German words and sayings, download Learn German + for free on your iPhone or iPad.

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